How Long Do Energy Drinks Last?

How Long Do Energy Drinks Last?

Energy drinks have recently gained massive popularity among people in need of an immediate boost of energy or alertness. Be it a student who studies past midnight or an athlete seeking an edge while playing, energy drinks can give them an immediate boost.

But have you ever thought about how long do energy drinks last in your system, and what exactly lies behind their energizing magic? We bring you everything you need to know—how to understand the effects and duration of energy drinks, how you can use them more effectively, and avoid possible side effects—all in one place.

What Are Energy Drinks?

Energy drinks are a type of drinks that are to improve mental alertness and physical performance. They become very popular with anyone who needs a quick burst of energy, such as students, athletes, and night-shift workers. They come in many different flavors, sizes, and formulations and are mostly presented in cans or bottles.

What Are Energy Drinks
Credit/ businessinsider

How Do Energy Drinks Work?

Energy drinks are drinks typically containing a cocktail of components that are aimed to kick in with high energy through the system. Here is what the main ingredients do:

  1. Caffeine: This is the primary constituent in an energy drink aiming to give you an energy boost. It does this by blocking the neurotransmitter adenosine’s action in the brain, actually boosting norepinephrine and dopamine levels which in turn activate other neurons; this causes increased arousal.
  2. Sugar: Most energy drinks have sugar as part of their ingredients. This makes it an easily and fast-realized source of energy. It may bring a quick spike in energy but follows up with a crash when the sugar has worn out.
  3. Vitamins and Amino Acids: It’s been found that some have B vitamins and the amino acid taurine. Such may be the additives to the drink to incur more concentration and endurance levels in your body.

How Long Do Energy Drinks Last?

When you drink an energy drink, how the caffeine affects your body happens in a short time:

  • First Shock: Around the 10 to 15-minute mark, the caffeine takes effect and begins coursing through the bloodstream. Herein, you shall experience an increased level of alertness and concentration.
  • Peak Effects: These take place about 30 – 60 minutes after consumption. This is the time you feel most charged because the caffeine has reached the highest level of concentration in your circulatory system.
  • Half-Life: The half-life, approximately around 4–6 hours, gives a duration within which the concentration of caffeine in the human body will go down to half.
  • Full Clearance: Sometimes, full clearance of caffeine out of your body may require between 8 and 12 hours. This may depend on several factors including age, weight, metabolic rate, and also your tolerance for caffeine.
How Long Do Energy Drinks Last?
Credit/ apnews

Factors Affecting Duration

Factors influencing the duration of action of energy drinks include

  1. Personal tolerance: If you have a habit of taking caffeine, then you may have developed a certain level of tolerance and hence may not feel the effects easily. You feel it’s a great action when you do not have a habit of that.
  2. Physical size: smaller persons will feel the greater action and stay under it longer compared to bigger ones.
  3. Metabolism: It’s all about how quickly your body functions. People with higher metabolism can process caffeine relatively quickly, compared to those with lower metabolism rates, and thus they may feel the effects for a shorter time.
  4. Types of Drinks: There are various types of energy drinks, including the quantity of caffeine and sugar therein. Those with a higher caffeine content may result in the effects lasting longer.

What Are The Common Side Effects Of Drinking Energy Drinks?

Energy drinks, though, don’t just help one be of a raised spirit but with other potential side effects if taken in excess. Here is a detailed review of side effects concerning energy drinks:

Increased Heart Rate and Blood Pressure:

Cause: The high content of caffeine contained in energy drinks sometimes arouses the heart, increasing the rate at which the heart beats or blood pressure.
Effect: This stimulation can result in palpitations, arrhythmias, and, in severe cases, cardiovascular issues.

Insomnia and Sleep Disturbances:

Cause: Caffeine, a central nervous system stimulant, can disrupt sleep patterns if consumed too close to bedtime.
Effect: Drinking energy drinks late in the day can make it hard to fall asleep, leading to poor sleep quality and insomnia.

Anxiety and Jitters:

Cause: Too much caffeine in the body overshooting the stimulation of the nervous system which in turn causes anxiety and nervousness.
Effect: Overstimulation may further lead to sleeplessness, restlessness, irritability, and a jittery sensation. It, in particular, affects people who are very sensitive to caffeine consumption.


Cause: Caffeine is categorized as a diuretic which increases urine production and also fluid loss.
Effect: On the other hand in any change of the body dehydration can be caused, which makes the person have more symptoms like dry mouth, headache, and dizziness.

Sugar Crash:

Cause: Extensive sugar present in most energy drinks causes blood glucose levels to rapidly rise and then drop.
Effect: The result is crashing – fatigue, irritability, and low alertness when the first energy spike passes.

Digestive Upset:

Cause: Sugar and caffeine are both notorious for being digestive irritants.
Effect: It could, therefore, additionally lead to certain people experiencing stomach upset, nausea, and diarrhea.

Headaches and Migraines

Cause: Caffeine may constrict the blood vessels and, later on, dilate them, which can be a cause for headaches.
Effect: Energy drinks can cause a headache or even a migraine when consumed regularly, especially when the intake is suddenly stopped due to caffeine withdrawal.

Potential for addiction

Cause: The stimulating factor of caffeine can predispose a person to dependence on caffeine.
Effect: Habitual users can begin to develop a tolerance, and increasing amounts of caffeine are required to create an effect. Withdrawal effects, including fatigue and irritability, can occur upon cessation.

Behavioral Changes:

Cause: The pressurizing stimulation the drinks create.
Effect: Depending on the individual, energy drinks have been demonstrated to increase aggression and cause risky behaviors in combination with alcohol.

Dental Problems:

Cause: The relatively high acidity of the energy drink and the high proportion of sugar present.
Effect: Regular consumption of this drink will reduce your dental health and develop cavities.

Popular Energy Drinks In The Market And Their Ingredients

1. Red Bull

Caffeine: Around 80 milligrams per 8.4-ounce can.
Sugar: Estimations of about 27 grams.
Other Ingredients: Taurine, B vitamins (B3, B5, B6, B12), and Alpine water.

Red Bull
Credit/ Bloomberg

2. Monster Energy

Caffeine: About 160 milligrams per 16-ounce can.
Sugar: Estimations of about 54 grams.
Other Ingredients: Taurine.

Monster Energy
Credit/ mashed

3. 5-Hour Energy

Caffeine: roughly 200 milligrams per 2-ounce shot.
Sugar: Sugar-free.
Other Ingredients: B vitamins, amino acids like taurine and L-tyrosine, and citicoline.

5-Hour Energy

4. Rockstar Energy

Caffeine: roughly 160 milligrams per 16-ounce can.
Sugar: roughly 63 grams.
Other Ingredients: taurine, B vitamins, ginseng root extract, guarana seed extract, and L-carnitine.

Rockstar Energy
Credit/ foodbusinessnews

5. Band Energy

Caffeine:  Roughly 300 milligrams per 16-ounce can.
Sugar: Sugar-free.
Other Ingredients:  BCAAs (Branched-Chain Amino Acids), electrolytes, CoQ10, and B vitamins.

Band Energy
Credit/ buyselloov

Using Energy Drinks Wisely

Get the most out of your energy drinks without going over the edge by heeding the following:

  • Check the Label: Take note of how much caffeine and sugar the drink has. Do not go past the recommended serving size to avoid intake excess.
  • Time It Right: Don’t drink energy drinks too late in the day; doing so will only mess with your sleep.
  • Stay Hydrated: Caffeine can dehydrate you, so ensure you drink water alongside your energy drink.
  • Watch out for Sugar: The high sugar content in it can lead to a fast energy crash. Go for sugar-free variants if this bothers you.

Alternatives To Energy Drinks 

If you wish to feel energetic in a natural way, then here are some of the alternatives:

  1. Regular Exercise: Physical activity naturally boosts your energy levels and keeps you fit.
  2. Healthy Diet: Consider eating healthy, energizing snacks such as fruits and nuts as they give you a steady supply of energy and do not let you down.
  3. Proper Rest: A rested body is essential to maintain high energy levels during the day.

Tricks Of Taking Energy Drinks

  • Take Energy Drinks in Moderation: As much as Energy Drinks may be useful they must be used with caution as they are high in caffeine as well as sugar.
  • Know Your Tolerance: Everyone’s body reacts differently to caffeine. See how it affects you by starting with little amounts.
  • Check Ingredients: Notice the caffeine content and any other ingredients, including sugar and taurine, that are going to affect you.
  • Stay Hydrated: Always balance energy drink consumption with plenty of water to stay hydrated.


How Long Do Energy Drinks Last In The Fridge?

Storing energy drinks properly can maintain their flavor and fizz:

  • Unopened Cans: Energy drinks in unopened cans can be consumed 6 to 9 months after the expiration date provided that they are stored that way in a cool, dry place, such as the refrigerator, to maintain their freshness and taste.
  • Opened Cans: You can consume the contents of an energy drink after 24 to 48 hours from the date of opening. Storage in the refrigerator results in the preservation of the taste, but not the carbonation levels.

How Long Does It Take For The Energy Drink To Kick In?

The result of the energy drink is felt within no time:

  • Fast Onset: It only takes 10 to 15 minutes for the caffeine to start working on your nervous system, making you more alert.
  • Peak Performance: You will feel it most, from 30 to 60 minutes, when the ingredients of the drink are working in your bloodstream at their best energy level.

How Long Does Monster Energy Keep You Awake/ Last In Your System? 

Monster Energy, like any other energy drink, is all about a pretty hard-core caffeine jolt. Here is what you can expect:

  • Initial Effects: Monster Energy starts working within 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Peak Effects: The peak occurs at about 45 minutes after consumption, during which you will feel the most energetic.
  • Working time: In general, it is from 4 to 6 hours but some say that caffeine may come out of the body entirely in 12 hours of individual metabolism and sensitivity to caffeine.

Reddit Users – How Long Do Your Energy Drinks Last?

Reddit users report different opinions on working and experience of their energy drinks like:

  • User Reports: One should feel lifted in 10 minutes, another – only in 30 minutes.
  • Duration Variance: The duration of energy is not fixed. Most users feel the effects for 2 to 6 hours, the brand, and personal tolerance.

How Long Does Red Bull Last?

Red Bull is among the top-of-the-line used quick energy boosters:

  • Quick Kick-In: You tend to feel its effects within 10 to 15 minutes of taking it.
  • Peak Effects: Most energetic in about 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Duration: The energy boost usually lasts for 4 to 6 hours, like the other time limits on energy drinks. However, the complete breakdown of the caffeine takes up to 12 hours.

How Long Do Energy Drinks Last Before You Crash?

Often, energy drinks are filled with sugar as their main source of a quick lift in energy. However, that comes with the ultimate “crash” in sugar. This will generally occur about 1 to 2 hours after consumption of the energy drink.

One will start to get fatigued and not alert as the sugar and caffeine slowly start to wear off. Opt for less sugar to reduce this.

How Long Does It Take to Flush Out Energy Drinks?

The human body may take between 8 and 12 hours for full clearance of the caffeine dose ingested in the energy drink. Variations may occur depending on age, body weight, and metabolic rate.

It can be sped up by keeping the body well-hydrated with water, which helps it to excrete caffeine with ease. If you are sensitive to caffeine, the effect on your body may be more pronounced.


In conclusion, knowing how long do energy drinks last can help you maximize their benefits while minimizing risks.  They can provide a swift and effective energy lift, but discretion and care must be put into their consumption.

By understanding what affects their duration and potential side effects, one is better placed to make informed decisions regarding their use.

Keep in mind that balance and health are important in keeping your energy levels up through the day, whether you go for a branded coffee or seek alternative natural sources.

osama Khalid
osama Khalid

Osama Khalid is a seasoned content writer from Pakistan with expertise in creating engaging and SEO-optimized content across various niches, including drinks, travel, and more. With a keen eye for detail and a knack for storytelling, Osama crafts compelling narratives that resonate with audiences, driving engagement and enhancing online presence. His diverse skill set and passion for writing make him a valuable asset in the content creation industry.

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